Saturday, April 28, 2012

Conspiracy of Kindness leads to Deeds of Love/Forgiveness

Hello Friends and Welcome to Walking On Water! :)

Kindness Conspiracy of Deeds of Love/Forgiveness

Have you been feeling a little sick? Unhappy? Guilt ridden and just plain empty at times? Feeling like a something is missing in your life.

A cheerful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

I have been going through so much junk and gunk lately…being tested and having to let go of past hurts so this brought me to my topic when I was praying on what to write and share with you, God wants me to share this with you about forgiveness.

We like to believe the lie of the enemy…Satan loves to believe his lies…he wants you to be unhappy and he wants you miserable as much as possible…he is the Prince of Lies and Deceit and he has one goal and one goal only to keep you there.  What lie have you been believing lately? Is there some bitterness, unhappiness, anger, hurt that you are holding onto? Why are you holding onto that? In John 10:10 he is out to steal, kill and destroy…that is his main job and he doesn’t want us to be happy and joyful children of God.  We let him rob of us our joy, our peace and happiness that can surpass all understanding…why because we choose to we want to live in strife and division because we want our own way and not peace.  Most of it leads to the heart…and our selfish desires and not of God and to be a person of peace and of forgiveness.   We make ourselves heartsick, soul sick and even physically sick.  All because we don’t want to give in FIRST!! We don’t want to make that first step, or we are trying to prove we can live without them and live it …. but God asked us to forgive and let it go and be person of God.

I had to forgive a major hurt…that I thought I had let go and realized that I didn’t….my Ex had an affair and several more but not enough to prove it but the one…she came to my door…ask for him…we were together last night…aren’t you his room mate….um…who are you? …I am his wife…bolted down the stairs so fast like she was on fire…that was the beginning of many lies to come and then our whole marriage became a lie.  Lost trust, was shaken, couldn’t believe in Love and couldn’t believe in myself.  The walls were being built…then God asked me to pray for mercy for him…are you kidding me????  But Lord look what he did to me…he don’t even care about his own son, don’t pay child support and la, la, la.

Didn’t speak to him for days and then again he gently asked me “Well”?  sigh…I guess…started out small this was the beginning of the forgiveness conspiracy he was to lead me to deeds of love…to have understanding and compassion…but it wasn't just me to forgive him but for me to let go of the hurt and pain and be whole...he wanted me to be free!

He said to back up and read Proverbs 17:19 - was the opposite of forgiveness and mercy…as I read…He who loves a quarrel loves sin; he who builds a high gate invites destruction.

Wow…I was taken aback…then continue to read to 20 ..A man of perverse heart does not prosper;  he whose tongue is deceitful falls into trouble.

God’s words give life and Satan’s lies carries death.  Do you want to believe in Satan’s lie or do we reject it and replace it with faith and God’s love and peace?

Quote - Our stamina is sapped, not so much through external troubles surrounding us but problems with our thinking.
Oswald Chambers

We can’t be a person of peace if we are a person of argument and contentious.  If we want peace we have to be a person who wants peace and we have to seek it and pursue it…we don’t think we should have to work for it but we do.  This leads to reverence to God in obedience in how we speak and treat people.  We are to be encouragers and be a person of love like Jesus even when the person is not very nice to us or even leaves us because of what he does.  Jesus went through all of this too…he has spoken several times in the Gospels of this.

Forgiveness can be a very difficult thing to do but once we do we have lifted a weight off our shoulders, heart and mind and soul.  We are free from carrying that lie we believe that Satan put in us that we are not good enough or the hurt we carried that we feel we deserve.  We have that peace in our hearts and that feeling of  joy. We were not meant to carry this mantle...God didn't have that plan in mind and he wanted us to give it to him...Is it a weight or a wing?

Quote - You will know the work {of forgiveness} is complete when you can honestly say you want God’s best for that person.
Stormie Omaritan

I can honestly say “yes” I can pray for my ex…he is remarried and is doing his own thing …some things still have not changed…he still don’t pay child support or keep in touch with his son…recently went to court and he wanted to pretend that Josh never existed.  But I don't feel any anger just sadness on what he is missing out on.  What he could have had. 

But I am not sapping my energy and I praise God that I can move on and I can live with a joy in my heart and be in wellness. The Deeds of Love have been sown with prayer for restoration for my son and my ex-hub.  I do wish him well in his marriage. 

Who you need to forgive to let go?  Ask God to help you.  He will.  And your heart will be set free.

Dear Lord, I forgive --------- for --------- she/he hurt me because of her/his brokenness. Amen.

Lord help lead us to prayer of forgiveness to those we need to extend to.  Help us know your peace as we become a people of peace…help us pursue and seek peace with all our hearts, minds and souls.  Help us be in obedience to you and your word.  Help us be a people of joy and heart of kindness.  Thank you Lord for making this come to pass.

Thanks for stopping by and let me know what you think....have a blessed day friends! :) 
In His Love,

Friday, April 27, 2012

Hello new blog!! 4-27-12

Hello Friends and Welcome to Walking on Water ...Faith Messages!!

This blog is just going to be my faith writings or what I speak about in the public doing my public speaking...sharing you what I learn on my FAITH journey and what I have learned as an Evangelist/Pastor too.
I am excited because this is something I wanted to do for a long time...I still love to craft, travel and meet new people and make friends! but this is something dear to my heart to spread God's word and share some truths I have learned in my own walk with you.  I want to be able to help you and hope you learn some things that can help yourself.  I hope you enjoy this and I will also have some bible study lessons to the Chapter I am studying in and as well as the memory verse for the day to share with you. Still have to share the love of purple for my blog is in it...hehe...but seriously I want you to be able to walk closer with God and you can share with me your comments of faith and what you would like to see in the future.

I will have guest writers on Tuesday so if you want to be one for me on my blog just email me at and let me know as well as I have a FB page.  I would love to hear your story/testimony. :)

I am not perfect but that is what God's grace is all about and he is here with his word to help guide, rebuke, discipline and save us as well as to show his most awesome love! :) 

Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed evening! :)

In His Love,