Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Today's post is another Faith Message...What is in a name?

Hello Friends and Welcome to Walking on Water! :)

What is in a name?

When Jesus looked at him He said “…you shall be called Cephas which is translated a stone”
John 1:47
(Andrew was introducing Simon to Jesus’ who they claimed as Messiah)

His real name was Simon …Cephas is Aramaic which also means Peter in Greek. Lot of translation for a name but names were important in Jesus’ day as well of OT.

Names meant something whether good or bad…there were a lot of names changed in the Bible as far back as Abraham…which was Abram at first.
Jacob another well known biblical figure; name meant “he grasps the heel” which fig. meant “he deceives” which later when he finally got right with God was changed to “Israel” …he became a Father of 12 nations through his 12 sons…he would not let go of God and struggled with him for a blessing.

Names of cities were for a reason…same with streets…a name meant something…how do you feel about your name? do you know the history of your name?

A name change like he gave Simon was life changing, it gave Simon an introduction to change his character.  Even with all the mistakes he made and knew what was coming in the days ahead before his Crucifixion he saw what Peter would become.  He knows our deepest desires and our deepest hurts and shame.  He knows the pain we have inflicted on others as well as what they have done to us.  Yet, he still loved Peter and me and you.  No matter we do or how bad we think we are his love for us never changes.  Isn’t that powerful…he knows us by name and our name is important to him because he loves you with an amazing love/Jesus for you to let you know that he would give his only begotten son to have you in his family.  He is calling your name….are you willing and let him change your name and become as He already sees you.

El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty) El Elyon (The Most High God) Adonai (Lord, Master) Yahweh (Lord, Jehovah) Jehovah Nissi (The Lord My Banner) Jehovah-Raah (The Lord My Shepherd) Jehovah Rapha (The Lord That Heals) Jehovah Shammah (The Lord Is There) Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord Our Righteousness) Jehovah Mekoddishkem (The Lord Who Sanctifies You) El Olam (The Everlasting God) Elohim (God) Qanna (Jealous) Jehovah Jireh (The Lord Will Provide) Jehovah Shalom (The Lord Is Peace) Jehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts)

I know my mom named me for something to be different and that to be my own person…I sure was my own person…I was rebellious and a tomboy for many years…then I grew up to be a girl and still rebellious and deaf one at that. Got me thinking about the importance of why my name was chosen. When someone calls our name we turned to them for they have our attention.  God calls us by name…he knows us inside and out. He knows our failures, shame and the like but he still calls us and wants us to have a relationship with us.  We all want to be loved and accepted and feel we are of worth.  Well you are. In God’s eyes he already sees you in Christ because of what Christ has done on the cross.  He God sees you and seek to let that define who you are.

Here are a few meanings of my name:
Arabic - Flows like water
Greek - Pure. Innocent.
German - Strong, melody, song.
French - Joy, Song of Happiness.

My name derives from German, Scandinavian, Hungarian, Croatian, Serbia,Slovene

English Biblical name: Righteous; based 2 Timothy 2:22

Interesting history about our names and it is fun to look it up and understand what your name truly means. (Many websites look them up! it is fun to find out!) 

When I first accepted Christ I wish I could say that my acceptance was instantaneous but it was not…in fact I got worst before I got right with him.  But he never forgotten me or let me go…he knew the one thing I wanted and craved for and that was love, to be accepted for who I was and be needed for me.  When he called my name I ran more than I followed…He called me to be something I didn’t think I could be but then he showed me. And changed me to be what He already knew I was in His eyes. He has a name for me in His book …I just know it.  I can’t wait to find out what it is. He has amazing love and patience with me and yep sometimes it is not always pretty and he still loves me still…and he still knows my name.

He gave Jesus for you  his only begotten son to have you in his family.  He is calling your name….are you willing and let him change your name and become as He already sees you?

Prayer: Father we know you know us inside and out and you want to change us to live Holy lives regardless of the past and regardless what we will do in the future.  You want to love us as we are knowing who we will become in your eyes…help us fulfill our righteousness and have our name in your good book of Life.  Help us Lord when you call our name and that we grasp your hand and lead us in the way we need to Go and life everlasting. Thank you  for the gift of your salvation and to have a relationship with you
Thank you for my wonderful name and help me remember who I am in you.

In His Love,


  1. Thank you Kari. Your post was beautiful! I will be back now that I have found this blog. I will tell Madison (from Funky Cards) about it too. I am Madison's mom.
    God Bless

    1. Thanks so much Cindy...God has put it in my heart for awhile to do this blog and now I am taking the step...hugs! :)
